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4 Home Loan Types Explained: Finding the Perfect Fit for Your Home Purchase

When you’re planning to buy a home, the journey often begins with getting pre-approved by a local lender. This crucial step not only shows sellers you’re a serious buyer but also helps you understand your borrowing power and the variety…

Don’t Be Scared of Buying a Home This Halloween!

From stories of bidding wars to frightening discoveries after the home inspection, purchasing your first home can seem like a fearsome prospect.  Have you been watching real estate and mortgage reports with great reservation and hesitancy? Not sure if it’s…

If You’re a Homeowner, You Still Have Incredible Leverage When Selling this Season

  In today’s housing market, homeowners have a great opportunity to sell their house and receive the best terms for their personal situation. That’s because there’s a limited number of homes for sale, which is creating competition among buyers. Outside…

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